
data class AboutAppConfig(    @ColorInt val backgroundColor: Int? = null,     @ColorInt val iconsColor: Int? = null,     @DrawableOrDrawableRes val appIcon: Any?,     @StringOrStringRes val appName: Any,     @StringOrStringRes val appVersionName: Any,     @StringOrStringRes val authorName: Any,     @StringOrStringRes val authorLink: Any?,     @DrawableOrDrawableRes val companyLogo: Any?,     @StringOrStringRes val companyName: Any,     @StringOrStringRes val companyLink: Any?,     @StringOrStringRes val termsAndPrivacyPolicyLink: Any?,     @ColorInt val termsAndPrivacyPolicyTextColor: Int? = null,     val showOpenSourceLicenses: Boolean,     val taskDescriptionConfig: TaskDescriptionConfig? = null)

Configuration for about activity.



Background color for the activity, if null, the default value is used, which is the background color of the theme.


Color for icons, if null, the default value is used, which is the color defined in the theme.


App icon or logo.


App name.


App version.


App author name.


URL that opens when clicking on the author's name, null to not open any link.


Developer company logo.


Developer company name.


URL that opens when clicking on the company logo, null to not open any link.


URL of the terms of use and privacy policy, leave null if you do not want to show them.


Color for the text of the terms of use and privacy policy, if it is null, the default value is used, which is the color defined in the theme.


Determines whether a button is shown to view the app open source licenses. If true, these https://developers.google.com/android/guides/opensource instructions must be followed in order to can shown open source licenses.


Object with the configuration for the activity TaskDescription, leave null if it is not required.


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fun AboutAppConfig(    @ColorInt backgroundColor: Int? = null,     @ColorInt iconsColor: Int? = null,     @DrawableOrDrawableRes appIcon: Any?,     @StringOrStringRes appName: Any,     @StringOrStringRes appVersionName: Any,     @StringOrStringRes authorName: Any,     @StringOrStringRes authorLink: Any?,     @DrawableOrDrawableRes companyLogo: Any?,     @StringOrStringRes companyName: Any,     @StringOrStringRes companyLink: Any?,     @StringOrStringRes termsAndPrivacyPolicyLink: Any?,     @ColorInt termsAndPrivacyPolicyTextColor: Int? = null,     showOpenSourceLicenses: Boolean,     taskDescriptionConfig: TaskDescriptionConfig? = null)


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val appIcon: Any?
Link copied to clipboard
val appName: Any
Link copied to clipboard
val appVersionName: Any
Link copied to clipboard
val authorLink: Any?
Link copied to clipboard
val authorName: Any
Link copied to clipboard
val backgroundColor: Int? = null
Link copied to clipboard
val companyLink: Any?
Link copied to clipboard
val companyLogo: Any?
Link copied to clipboard
val companyName: Any
Link copied to clipboard
val iconsColor: Int? = null
Link copied to clipboard
val showOpenSourceLicenses: Boolean
Link copied to clipboard
val taskDescriptionConfig: TaskDescriptionConfig? = null
Link copied to clipboard
val termsAndPrivacyPolicyLink: Any?
Link copied to clipboard
val termsAndPrivacyPolicyTextColor: Int? = null